Tyler Giggles

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May 282012

Dear Tyler,

Today you giggled for the first time. I mean a full out belly laugh! You smile constantly, but daddy and I have been waiting to hear you laugh. I felt silly making funny faces and noises, but you loved it and kept giggling at me.

I love you, baby boy.

Love, Mommy

 Posted by at 10:16 pm  Tagged with:

Tyler Rolls Over

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May 162012

Dear Tyler,

You rolled over for the very first time on Mother’s Day! What an awesome Mother’s Day gift. Unfortunately, I didn’t get to see it, but Bailey and Makenna did.

Two days later, you did it for me! I had just gotten you out of the bathtub and was drying you off on the floor. You don’t like being on your tummy. You were getting so mad and then you finally kicked yourself over. The look on your face was priceless. You had surprised yourself with your new amazing trick!

I love you, baby boy.

Love, Mommy

 Posted by at 10:13 pm  Tagged with: