Sep 082005

Heather and I went for a Bike ride on the Monon this Saturday.

The weather was just right for a bike ride Saturday and Heather was pretty excited to go to the Monon. The section we ride on is about 3/4 of a mile in length.
There were a lot of people that had the same idea that we did. I had to keep telling Heather to stay to the right and that people were passing.
Of course she had to turn around and look at the people, and I had to tell her to pay attention to where she’s going or she is going to wreck.
We both had a blast. After the Monon, we went to the park and rode on their trail and played on the Jungle Gym.
We worked up a pretty good appetite, and stopped by Taco Bell on the way home for some chow.
Taking a Break After Our Big Ride
Heather and Nate
The Wheels

 Posted by at 2:16 pm

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